
What is the capital city of Madagascar? Antananarivo Toamasina Antsirabe Mahajanga Madagascar is the world’s fourth-largest island. Which ocean surrounds it? Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Southern Ocean Which unique animal, found only in Madagascar, is known for its long middle finger used to extract insects from trees? Aye-aye Lemur Fossa Indri What is … Read more

Kenya Trivia Quiz


What is the capital city of Kenya? Nairobi Mombasa Kisumu Nakuru Which lake, bordering Kenya, is the world’s largest desert lake? Lake Turkana Lake Victoria Lake Nakuru Lake Naivasha Which famous wildlife migration occurs annually in Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve? The Great Wildebeest Migration The Elephant Migration The Zebra Migration The Flamingo Migration What … Read more

Tanzania Trivia

What is the highest mountain in Tanzania and Africa? Mount Kilimanjaro Mount Meru Mount Kenya Ras Dashen Tanzania shares its largest lake with Kenya and Uganda. What is the name of this lake? Lake Victoria Lake Tanganyika Lake Malawi Lake Natron Which island is part of Tanzania and known for its spices and historical Stone … Read more

Liberia Trivia Quiz

What is the capital city of Liberia? Monrovia Buchanan Gbarnga Kakata Liberia was founded by freed slaves from which country? United States of America United Kingdom France Brazil Which river is the longest in Liberia? Cavalla River St. John River Lofa River Cestos River What is the official language of Liberia? English French Portuguese Spanish … Read more

Can you pass this Nigeria Trivia Quiz?

What is the capital city of Nigeria? Lagos Abuja Kano Port Harcourt Nigeria is the most populous country in which continent? Africa Asia South America Europe Which river is the largest in Nigeria? River Benue River Niger River Osun River Kaduna In what year did Nigeria gain independence from British rule? 1957 1960 1963 1970 … Read more

Rwanda Trivia – Can you get an A?

What is the capital city of Rwanda? Kigali Butare Gisenyi Ruhengeri Rwanda is known as the land of a thousand hills. What is its highest point? Mount Karisimbi Mount Bisoke Mount Sabyinyo Mount Muhabura What is the traditional Rwandan dance that involves high jumping and energetic movements? Intore Dance Umushagiriro Dance Ikinyemera Dance Amagaju Dance … Read more

Can you pass this test about Senegal?

What is the capital city of Senegal? Dakar Saint-Louis Thiès Touba Senegal is bordered by how many countries? Three Two Four Five What is the official language of Senegal? French Wolof English Arabic Which island, a UNESCO World Heritage site, was a center for the Atlantic slave trade? Gorée Island Madeleine Island Fadiouth Island Ngor … Read more

Can you Ace this test about Ethiopia?

What is the capital city of Ethiopia? Addis Ababa Dire Dawa Gondar Harar Which Ethiopian site is famous for its rock-hewn churches? Lalibela Axum Bahir Dar Mekele What is the traditional Ethiopian bread served with meals? Injera Pita Naan Chapati Which body of water is considered sacred in Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity? Lake Tana Blue Nile … Read more

Tunisia Trivia

What is the capital city of Tunisia? Tunis Sfax Sousse Kairouan Tunisia is located on the coast of which sea? Mediterranean Sea Red Sea Atlantic Ocean Arabian Sea What ancient city, famous for its conflict with ancient Rome, is located in present-day Tunisia? Carthage Alexandria Sparta Athens What is the traditional Tunisian stew that is … Read more